WHY Productions - Behind The Scenes of 'Taking What's Mine' Page 2

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- Taking What's Mine: Behind The Scenes Day 2 -

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Everyone again is cold. Click on the pics below to open up a larger version.

Here Nickely is directing Tim's camera angles in one of the forest scenes. Followed by one on my favourite shots of the group, as they walk off over the bridge.


Tim's main action sequence. He is simulating one of the characters as they run from their pursuants. He did this at high speed and thankfully didn't fall over. Cameras are expensive.


The cast gather on the bridge preparing for the next scene.


Tim and Nickely gather by the river. When Tim and Phil returned some months later to shoot additional filler material, Tim stepped in the water very close to where he is standing in the picture. Gill, as she stares at Richard's character. Gill and Debbie Marshall in the tower shot.


With most of the filming complete Tim, Phil, Nickely, Richard and Gill did some more indoor location scenes.


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