WHY Productions - Behind The Scenes of 'Taking What's Mine' Page 1

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- Taking What's Mine: Behind The Scenes Day 1 -


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Everyone is enthusiastic but cold. Filmed in late Autumn Taking What's Mine was aimed to be completed in just three days. As unlikely as this seemed, it happened. By shooting in consecutive days the risk of the cast losing interest was lessened. Two camera men were used on the project. Tim Harris, who appears in many of these pictures, was the main camera man and the vast majority of the finished project was Tim's footage. Phil Young, who wrote the film's script, filmed behind the scenes footage and different undirected angles where possible. Click on the pics below to open up a larger version.

Below the girls in black wait their cue and begin their determined walk. The bridge being a central part of the film, posed the occasional problem. The local residents, swans, were often seen on the river below the bridge. They nearly stopped the shoot on the final day. Richard Green gets direction from Nickely Burke.


Tim simulates the wake up scene from Richard's character's view point. Nickely tries to guide Tim with a helping hand.


Here Gill Hallett and Debbie Marshall attempt to keep warm.



Vanessa Marshall seen in one of her chase scenes and then Vanessa and Debbie Sculley after one chase scene.


Gill returning from the snack wagon and Tim on a low angle shot of David McNamara.


After lunch we left the cold of the outdoor location and moved to the warmth of the indoor one. Here we see Tim getting a character's eye view, while Gill and Richard rehearse one of the Punch sequences. Below them Nickely ties the rope first on David and then Richard.


Here Gill has just portrayed one of Punch's trademark knockouts. Indoor scenes had to be carefully shot so as to not include various poorly painted walls etc.



Laurence Williams visited the set in early afternoon. Laurence was fascinated by the fake blood capsules, leading to Gill being dared to use one. Gill, never one to refuse a dare, puts one in her mouth. Judging by the look on her face the taste isn't too appealing and she spends a while trying to rinse out the taste. Finally she's admiring herself again in the mirror. Her teeth were still red though. Sorry Gill.


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